I am back into the swing! I am
hooking up this week with Fourth Grade Flipper for Tried it Tuesday.
I want to share something that
I have been doing in class for a while now. It is not glamorous, but it is
Each morning I have a warm-up.
My students do the warm-up to get their mind in focus. Since I teach gifted
students, many of them are avid readers. So much so that they will read when
they are supposed to being doing something else – like school work or listening to the teacher.
Over time, I noticed students
were not finishing all of the warm-up and waiting until I went over it to
finish it. I would catch some students reading. So I started to star their
papers. If they were finished and everything looked good from a glance, they
would earn a star. Then, the students who received a star would earn a point
for their table. I keep track of table points each day. Of course, the table
points were used for other things too, but now I included finishing work.
Now, I not only do it for
warm-up time. I do it during all the subjects. During social studies or
science, I will star classwork when the students finish. And the students know – their table earns a point.
I know it seems so simple, but
I wanted to share this technique because it has increased engaging production
in my classroom! If you are someone who struggles with students staying on
task, maybe this will work for you.
Thanks for dropping by!